Hey Snow White….

28 Dec

The new pornographers say ‘It’s going to be alright’ and whenever I listen to this song I believe them.

I guess there are times we all wonder if it really will be ok, but I think the key is to knowing eventually it will be.  As hard as things get, there will be some light at the end of the tunnel.  I’d ask you to look at where you were this time last year, or the year before and think of all that you have achieved in that time.  How you have developed and personally grown.  Not the things you lost but the ones you have gained.

Yes we sit, bitch and moan about the world but we are here in it, living it and we have so much left to live.  So many stupid things to laugh at, cry about, laugh at more and I’m to do it with you.  Cynical Cat Hater (CCH as you will be known from now) I say to you, don’t forget where you were 2 years ago and don’t forget where you are now.  To all my friends who have had more than their fair share of shit this year, we are still here and we are even funnier than we were before and life is forever funnier and we are kicking life’s ass even if it gets a left hook in every now and then.

Anyway remember reality is a good place for a holiday but I wouldn’t want to live there….so lets just leave whenever we need.

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