Pearl’s Immense Diving Skills

25 Jan

CCH if this doesn’t tickle you….well I don’t know what to do with you..In a clip from Soccer AM Pearl show’s how diving really should be done (the 3rd entry is my personal favourite).  If you can imagine my 6′ 4″ female friend reenacting these skillful moves, you will have gained a small insight into last years holiday….

3 Responses to “Pearl’s Immense Diving Skills”

  1. Regan Coleman January 25, 2011 at 2:45 pm #

    Love this!! What I particularly like about the third entry is that she’s clearly trying to attempt 2.5 backwards dive in the tuck position…something that would give her top difficulty marks IF she were in Olympic competition…I think with a few more weeks of training and we could have a PRO…..

  2. theresnomasterplan January 29, 2011 at 1:13 pm #

    Pearl is the future of British diving…Tom Daley eat your heart out

  3. The hater of cats January 31, 2011 at 12:42 pm #

    This did crack a smirk. So I will give you that. However, do not get me started on the value of soccer am!!

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