Archive | March, 2011

A Quick Game is a Good Game

18 Mar

During a game of disassociation, which does pretty much what is says on the tin, follow a word with a word that can not be associated in any way, players can challenge this …..

Furby – Blackman

Me – Brick

HM2 – CHALLENGE…Blackmen lay bricks

Me – Oh my god it’s just not ok to say that [rant at HM2 ensures informing her I will not stand for her low-level racism]

Furby is crying with laughter, and having regained herself…

Furby – I said BATman not BLACKman!

Exam Results

18 Mar

After receiving an email informing me that there had been an error with one of my modules results being entered incorrectly and that some people may find they have been given an incorrect grade, HM3 sent me this email…

Dear miss *****,

I regret to inform you that your mark of 72 will now be lowered to 43%. Unlucky!!
I am afraid we confused your paper with someone intelligent.
Have a good day
Psychology department

She was sat on the sofa next to me sniggering to herself…

HM3 – did you panic when you saw it?

ME – No, it came up as being sent from you…oh and I’m not part of the Psychology department

More From Cave Woman

9 Mar

Conversation with Cave Woman

Cave Woman – Chamois leather face lizard psycho bitch…if that girl was Pinocchio she would be able to have sex with herself

ME – I just nearly wet myself

Cave Woman – Also bumped into ****** who seemingly has turned into a bell end also.  Talking about how she had to work at a state school for a week and how horrific it was, how the children were like animals.  Also just heard she’s engaged, yes that’s right engaged.  Fucking lesbians

ME – Until she changes her facebook status I refuse to believe a thing!

Cave Woman – Oh yes facebook that ridiculous oracle of knowledge.  I’m having a guinness to recover.

Reminiscing To Matchbox Twenty

9 Mar

This just came on my shuffle and led to reminiscing – also a reminder of what a great song this is… so turn in up loud and enjoy


Parent’s Shouldn’t Text

9 Mar

If you are in need of a laugh please check out this site, I feel that together with this blog it is aiding the failure of my dissertation.

One of my favs….


The Biggest Loser

8 Mar

While watching the final of The Biggest Loser on ITV

HM3 – What’s the point, what do they win?

Me – Their health?!

After finding out there is a large sum of money to be won..

HM3 – I bet they pile on the weight just to get on the show

ME – This women is really amazing, she has totally changed her life to achieve her goal

HM1 – She goes to the gym everyday

HM3 – For now

ME – She is now an aerobics instructor

HM3 – For now

HM1 – She quit her job so she could take it really seriously, train and change her life

HM3 – what was her job..a cake tester?

This One Time I Watched a Porn Film

8 Mar

HM2 – I remember this time a friend of mine made us watch a porn film, well it was on the adult channel, and this woman was in a helicopter getting off on the vibrations.  I don’t know what happened but next thing she was in a forest wrapped up in the tree roots and they were inside her, you know? and she was getting off on them…I don’t know why she made us watch this.

HM3 – Was this real people?

HM1 – Well it was a film.  It wasn’t hardcore porn, you know, you didn’t see that much but you knew what was happening

Me – I have no words for this moment

Running buddy

8 Mar

HM3 – I’ve been thinking I’m going to take up jogging

ME – Oh cool, do you want to come for a run with me in the morning?

HM3 – No

Bask in Benjamin

3 Mar

Lose yourself for a few minutes on a Thursday…

Benjamin Francis Leftwich is my date for this evening…Yes I’m excited