Another Day in The Life of A Red Faced Furby

7 Apr

Furby – So there I am on the tube, wedged into my seat on either side by a fat man and pregnant Chinese lady.  I see that we’ve reached my stop, so to give myself ample time to embark, I stand up as it slow.  It’s nearly stopped, so I take the first step towards the door.  Then what happens?  The driver decided he’s not close enough to the end of the platform, so speeds up again with a jerk that causes me to not only lose my balance, but to SIT ON THE LAP OF THE COMPLETE STRANGER OPPOSITE ME. Happy Thursday

ME – A chav just walked passed me wearing a padded headband with her name ‘Danni’ written on, in gold glitter pen.  Anytime work gets hard be grateful that isn’t you.

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