Never Mind Finding God..Where Am I?!

20 Apr

‘The Buddhists say there are 149 ways to god.  I’m not looking for god, only for myself , and that is far more complicated.  Gad has had a great deal written about him; nothing has been written about me.  God is bigger, like my mother, easier to find, even in the dark.  I could be anywhere, and since I can’t describe myself I can’t ask for help.’

Jeanette Winterson

2 Responses to “Never Mind Finding God..Where Am I?!”

  1. informationforager April 20, 2011 at 11:40 pm #

    I like this. I have a blog called SpiritualThemes and on March 23 I did a similar post. Our numbers are a little different though. I came up with 6.8 billion ways to God. It’s a different blog though, so you may not like it. I like yours though and if I were there in the picture you can bet that I would be talking with you about something. First something deep and later something funny. Thanks, Keep Blogging, Keep Writing.

  2. theresnomasterplan April 23, 2011 at 11:46 pm #

    I am glad you are enjoying the blog, I guess its just a nice place to empty all those things in your head and to share the funnier moments of life. You will have to excuse me if my numbers were wrong…it is a quote after all (I blame Jeanette Winterson!). Thank you for your message – and keep reading

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