Archive | February, 2012

Mice, Cheese and PMA

21 Feb

Conversation with Nutt, discussing the merits of positive thinking, particularly while we are on the hunt for new jobs

Lowry – You need to read the book ‘Who Moved My Cheese

Nutt – What? ‘Whose Shoes Are These?’

Lowry – Oh golly no, W h o  M o v e d  M y  C H E E S E, it’s about mice

Nutt – What?! What is this book?

Lowry – It’s a metaphor…go with it, only takes an hour to read

Nut – Ok I’ll order it

A while later the following text conversation ensues

Nutt – Just to check is it ‘The Mouse That Moved My Cheese’?

Lowry – You are a knob. ‘Who Moved My Cheese’

Nutt – Oh shit, I just ordered a book called ‘Mouse That Moved My Cheese’….oh no wait maybe I brought the right one

Lowry – Are you actually being serious?

Nutt – I think I need a book called ‘How To Get By On a Daily Basis’

Loving Notes

16 Feb

The parental unit are away for a few days, I return from work to this note:-

‘Lettie (the cat) is catching a lot of mice so may not eat much food. Please keep lounge door closed as I don’t want ‘inards’ in there’



Wednesday Blues

16 Feb

Lowry -Morning, how you doing?

Colleague – I’m really well thank you, so glad it’s it Thursday, that means it’s nearly Friday…

Lowry -It’s Wednesday

Colleague – Shit!

Winky Smileys Make Me Vom

8 Feb

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The rather flattering message received by Nut. She shared it with me in the knowledge that it is pretty much my worst nightmare from the nerrrr right through the winky smiley, phahh to the sticky out tongue smiley … Erghhhhhh! Needless to say Nut did not reply

Born This Way

8 Feb

Nut – I was born middle-aged

Lowry – I was born ready

Frog – I just don’t know what I am

Family Guy

8 Feb

Nut’s mum while watching family guy

‘Why does that man’s chin look like a scrotum?’


Working Week

8 Feb

Nut – Oh Lowry I’ve got to work 3 solid weeks after this weekend

Lowry – Oh rubbish, what a nightmare

Nut – Well I get the weekends off