Archive | August, 2012

Giant head squirrel feeder

16 Aug

I merely have one question around this item…WHY did no one buy me one of these for my birthday??

20120816-092330 PM.jpg


16 Aug

Princess J -I’ve got good legs… But they can’t move right now

Cavewoman had a dream….

16 Aug

Another genius text conversation with cavewoman

CW – I was at work earlier and passed some milking cows and I actually thought-wow it’s so much better to be a milking cow, you get to eat none stop and then someone plays with your boobs in the evening without fail

*moments later*

CW – in fact are udders the equivalent of boobs

Lowry – I do worry. I guess they are more nipple than boob, just really big dangly ones.

CW – like yours

Lowry – I have beautiful nips

CW – Gaybian

Lowry – Homophobe

CW – can’t quibble at that

And off we go back to our days

Because I’m 4 and I can say whatever I like

16 Aug

More special moments from my glorious nephew…

While sat eating a muffin, directs at his uncle:
‘I’m keeping an eye on you’

Sat in the chair opposite me with his legs up on mine:
‘why are your legs so wobbly’….. (probably from all those muffins)
Later followed up with
‘Mummy’s got big wobbly boobs’

Luckily mummy wasn’t there to hear this

After dropping his ball on Nana’s plants:
‘Nana’s very fussy about her garden’

To his mum:
‘how did you grow up before me?’

‘Nana what are these?’
‘those are my marbles’
(at least she knows where they are)

Next birthday I’m going to try saying everything I think…