Tag Archives: Ant

Deadly Ladybirds

7 Apr


I sent this picture to a few of my friends, to enhance that summery feeling, I received two distinct responses.

First from a rather keen bean – Did you know that dots on the ladybirds have nothing to do with the years of living.  Some ladybirds have up to 22 dots on the back.  The average lifespan of these cute bugs is three years.  Some people believe that ladybirds can predict the weather.  If they fell off your hand it would rain, if they flew away it would be fine.  Loving the summery pic

Me – Wow what a wealth of ladybird knowledge (what else is there to say?!)

My second response was personal favourite

Cave Woman – Did they crawl on you? If they did you’re going to die

Me – No they didn’t, but thanks for the heads up

Cave Woman – Ok good.