Tag Archives: Candy Bar

Candy Bar Girls

15 Jul

Lowry – Dude, I’m watching that Candy Bar show – did you see it?

Furby – Haa, no, I haven’t been at home for more than an hour since last Monday! I intend to though, is it awful?

Lowry – To be honest it’s not quite as bad as I imagined..it was a moment of acceptance for me that these are what real lesbians are like and maybe I am one of them and not my own private species of lesbian (Although I am not fully convinced of this)

Furby – Hahaha. I had a moment like that last night…think we’re just gonna have to deal with it

Lowry – But I don’t want to! However if we do maybe we will have a girlfriend that is a) actually suitable and not lacking in interesting conversation b) emotionally stable (ish) c) have an acceptable level of maturity d) not straight