Tag Archives: Chocolate

Back in the Office

28 Jul

Having returned to the office I am hourly (never mind daily) provided with much entertainment. So many quotes I would love to share, too many, some of which I fear would translate badly if you didn’t know the people and some ‘you had to be there’ moments. So I shall be selective!

As he picks up a toblerone…

Cheese- This is an offensive weapon not a bloody chocolate


Directed at Mullet as he walks out of my office

Boss – Do you have exceptionally large testicles?

Then ensues a brief conversation, upon it’s ending mullet returns to his desk…moments later

Boss – I bet you have an indescribable amount of pubic hair

Twix Rejection

5 Jun

On offering ‘albino‘ half my twix

Albino – I’ve seen better fingers

Why Would I Give Up Chocolate For Lent?!

1 Apr

HM3 – Right I’m just going to eat all that chocolate in my room

Me – I don’t think you should do that

HM3 – Why, why, WHY NOT?! I don’t even know why I did this, why would I do this? I don’t even know what lent is about, I’m not religious, I don’t know why on earth I let you lot bully me into doing this…AND WHY DID I GIVE UP CHOCOLATE? How stupid am I? What am I going to do in New York when I look at all the puddings, the chocolate brownies and the chocolate waffles oh god chocolate waffles. Why why why?!

Your Mum and I Love Cake…

29 Jan

Possibly the best cake ever…tasted pretty good too.  CCH and Cave Woman this is just for your mum’s
