Tag Archives: Friendship


5 Jan

On a recent trip to Edinburgh, on a 13 hours drinking social, we found ourselves in an array of random situations…my personal favourite was the meeting of Miranda, a lovely young (?) lady who was a Medieval Studies student (she studied how to make arrows). She was an ‘interesting’ lady to say the least but her lovely high-pitched voice brought much joy to an hour or so of our evening (particularly as she laughed at most my awful jokes)

While discussing the wrongs of tequila shots in particular the suicide shot (snort the salt and squeeze the lime in your eye) she added this to the conversation

Once we didn’t have any salt so we just used MDMA

As if it were the most obvious solution… Later on as I spent some time ‘getting to know Miranda’ discovering the chap she was out with she had met only moments ago, she wasn’t from Edinburgh, she didn’t know why she was there nor for how long…

Lowry – So where are you from?

Miranda – I don’t know

Followed by a pause and what appeared to be some kind of effort to recall information, needless to say the conversation didn’t last long and I established she was better in a crowd

Later on in our adventures we met a group of Swedish boys who I have to say I think we destroyed, because the ‘be who ever I want to be’ game was far too tempting. During that evening I acquired a group of international sports women as friends, as well as my own world renowned sporting career, 2 children, a need to control my friends ‘inner tiger’, a hate of gays (I know I’m a bad person), an uncontrollable love of men, the loss of 6 years of my life, a birthday party, the knowledge that by dictionary (urban) definition I may in fact be a sex pest… and an array of other lies I have chosen to forget. However here are some of the more wonderful quotes from the trip

Ian (Barman 1) – You can scoop that ALL day

Lowry – I just choked on the unt of cunt

Slut – It was too big to be in my mouth any longer

Gloating Hubbie – I’ve just got sooooo many pound coins at the moment

For You

7 Jun

To the best friend a girl could ask for…

I believe I will miss you for the rest of my life, time without you feels wasted.  I am my true self when in your company and I believe I bring out the same in you.  I laugh thinking back to when we first met, but I knew there was something special about you right from the off, and there certainly is.

It’s difficult to explain to you the impact you have had on my life because I’m not sure you have any comprehension of it.  You were the first to encourage me to be whoever I am, because you led by example on that one.  You gave me confidence in the quirky, weird ass parts of myself and taught me to understand that they are the things that people love in me.

I would not change you for the world, you are a truly wonderful creature and not having you in my life every day makes life that little less inspiring.  But that’s ok, because having you in my life at all has brought more light, possibility and freedom than I ever could have dreamt of.  I hope one day to meet a soul mate, equal to the standards you have set, to spend the rest of my life with.

I will always be here for you, wherever in the world you are.

Imagination… Is All Fulfilling

26 Apr

The imagination is a gift… most of the time, so powerful you can find yourself in another world of creation, at times unsure which parts are reality. This new world seems so firm, so concrete and so possible. I spend my days drifting and losing myself in these worlds and I adore the freedom it gives me, to entirely have the life I crave.
When reality is at its toughest is when I sit back and open the door in my mind, it is always ajar. I find myself living a life full of such possibilities, where my longings for excitement are fulfilled and not only for the briefest of moments, before they drift away, but for sustained periods of time, where contentment is mine to lose, not taken away. I am the happiest I have been in my life, I truly believe, but there is always something more and there I have it, I have it all.


23 Apr

‘I know at times I might seem distant but I am a floater, my mind drifts and I become restless. I always have, and imagine I always will be someone who floats from one group to another….people frustrate me so I take myself out of the situation and I come back to appreciate them again. I find it hard to focus my mind; Now I wonder if it is my freedom, my escape from the common place because of my inability to deal with mundane, I love the escapism that gives me. But through all of this there is a core group of people in my life who I always have time for who I will always have time to listen to or hang out with….and I hope you know I will always be here for you, no matter how far away I might appear.’