Tag Archives: Fuck

More From Cave Woman

9 Mar

Conversation with Cave Woman

Cave Woman – Chamois leather face lizard psycho bitch…if that girl was Pinocchio she would be able to have sex with herself

ME – I just nearly wet myself

Cave Woman – Also bumped into ****** who seemingly has turned into a bell end also.  Talking about how she had to work at a state school for a week and how horrific it was, how the children were like animals.  Also just heard she’s engaged, yes that’s right engaged.  Fucking lesbians

ME – Until she changes her facebook status I refuse to believe a thing!

Cave Woman – Oh yes facebook that ridiculous oracle of knowledge.  I’m having a guinness to recover.

HM1 Stomach Issues

28 Feb

ME – I’ve been hiding here for ages waiting to scare you

HM1 – Yeah I had to go for a shit

ME – Oh yeah HM3 told me you weren’t well

HM1 – Well I’m fine now I’ve been to the toilet 6 times in the last hour.  I didn’t even realise I needed a shit, I only went for a wee and when I turn round it was there…I just thought ‘fuck that was wet’
