Tag Archives: Good in the World

Cynical Cat Hater… no.2

29 Dec

People will always be writing headlines like this….

Cynicism killed the Cat hater….no.1

28 Dec

After hours sat in the pub putting the world to rights, it became somewhat apparent that there seemed little positive in the world that we found ourselves discussing.  My cat hating friend (one of the topics of rantings) challenged me to name something positive happening in the world and following my shocking ‘oh shit I’ve just been put on the spot without thinking this through’ moment I came up with having me as a friend.  Yes really that is how low I had to go.  So the challenge is now to prove to my cynical friend that there is some good in the world, that people still do nice things for each other and just maybe there is reason (other than laughing at my face) to smile.

1. On 27th December 2010 in Oklahoma a calf stranded on a frozen pond, was saved by a rancher and a rescue helicopter.  Instead of standing and laughing at the poor Bambi like skating calf, these people took it upon themselves to save the poor fellow.

I doubt this will have created a great warm glow within you all, but we are just warming up………