Tag Archives: Health

Beauty Pressures

5 Sep

When discussing how best to lose weight

Mate – I know everyone says you should eat little and often, but its not the best way.  I found I lost the most weight when…well I did have to go to the doctors because my periods stopped and I kept passing out… I know thats not great but I lost loads of weight and all I had was cereal for breakfast and as low fat dinner as I could.  I didn’t store my next meal as fat like they say you do

Lowry – That’s because you never had a next meal! Oh and I like you way more like this

Mate – Me to!

Raver’s Summer Plan

17 Jul

The raver decides in order to get a grip of her life she should make a summer plan consisting of…

1- Be clean (No marker pen)
2- Pluck eyebrows
3- Self maintenance
4- 3 meals a day of solid food
5- Rehydrate with water
6- No alcoholism
7- No drugs
8- Gym
9- Wash clothes
10- Dress less like a jan
11- Get over past jans
12- Find a nice jan
13- Find jobs
14- Save money
15- Sleep 7 hours a night in your own bed
16- Eat fruit
17- Don’t get involved in drama
18- No drunken Facebook / texting / phone calls / Skype
19- No crying
20- Moisturise / no spots
21- Brush the lid

We discussed this while in the pub (where she was drinking) before drinking a vase full of beer, going out, making it home at 4.30am and having well under the specified 7 hours sleep….maybe start tomorrow!

Harsh Reality of Speed Bumps

22 Jun

Cave Woman – I went over a speed bump today and felt my belly fat move.  Instead of dealing with it I decided to just tuck it into my belt

Diet Time?!

6 Jun

I looked at this …..

… And then looked at my stomach, before thinking ‘shit I really shouldn’t be drinking this’

Broody Millionaire

17 May

Quote from this evenings Secret Millionaire Channel 4

‘I never really wanted marriage and children, I have an allergy to children.  There was a period of 10 days in my thirties when I was broody, but I say it’s like flu, I got over it’.


17 May

Me – Day 1 of detox tomorrow

HM3 – What does that mean?

Me – Well I’m cutting out all bad foods and drinks for a week, chocolate, crisps, caffeine…

HM3 – So are you just going to eat water?

The Biggest Loser

8 Mar

While watching the final of The Biggest Loser on ITV

HM3 – What’s the point, what do they win?

Me – Their health?!

After finding out there is a large sum of money to be won..

HM3 – I bet they pile on the weight just to get on the show

ME – This women is really amazing, she has totally changed her life to achieve her goal

HM1 – She goes to the gym everyday

HM3 – For now

ME – She is now an aerobics instructor

HM3 – For now

HM1 – She quit her job so she could take it really seriously, train and change her life

HM3 – what was her job..a cake tester?