Tag Archives: Heaven and Hell

Bus Journey To Find God…

17 Feb

Whilst on the bus en route to the city, Cave Woman decided to share her views on Goths dress sense

Cave Woman – I mean why do they all wear black? It’s just not flattering

ME – Yes black is

Cave Woman – Not when you wear it like that

She went on to declare that she had been thinking of finding god…

ME – Oh great talk to the atheist why don’t you [points at furby]. I do think it’s really nice to have something to believe in

Cave Woman – Well I met a Vicar the other day and he was just so happy, no one is that happy

Furby – I don’t know a single happy Christian

ME –  I feel we are all making some sweeping generalizations here

Furby – Ok I don’t know any happy lesbian christians.

Cave Woman – He was just so nice, it must be god


There seemed to be a religious theme running through the week, as over our house Valentines meal we found ourselves engaged in a conversation regarding our beliefs about the after life and reincarnation.  We had all shared our views on what happens when you die..

Me – I’m not sure that I believe there is a heaven and hell but I understand why people would want to believe in them

HM3 – I know, it’s not possible, heaven would be too congested



The day before my housemates final exam they were coming close to losing their grip on reality…HM3 storms into the lounge where I was sat with HM1 and Cave Woman…

HM3 – I’ve just been watching that Jamie Oliver 30 minute meal thing and he just made pan-fried pizza, you know when you make it in a pan..

ME – Yes thats tends to be why they call it PAN fried

HM3 – hahaoh yeah, well it looked amazing and now my pizza looks pathetic in comparision and I’ve been craving that pizza all day and he has just ruined it for me..

ME – I’m pretty sure your pizza will be just fine

HM3 – Well I don’t know if I should have something else now

Cave Woman – Do they really cook pan-fried pizza in a pan?


Whilst out on the town last night Furby met herself a new lady friend, we were discussing the meeting this morning..

Furby – Do you know how we got talking in the first place…I told her you had Aspergers

ME – Brilliant