Tag Archives: History

Smoking Is A Sign of Weakness

14 Apr

Mad Men

Bertram Cooper – Stop smoking so much, it’s a sign of weakness.  Do you know how Hitler got Neville Chamberlain to give him everything in Munich?  He held the conference in an old palace that forbids smoking and after an hour and a half of not smoking Neville Chamberlain would have given Hitler his mother as a dance partner.

Roger – All I can get from this story is that Hitler didn’t smoke and I do

Henry VIII and the Dangers of Candle Wax

25 Jan

Once again this week my housemates have provided much amusement, I am unsure if the exam revision has swallowed up the ‘everyday thinking’ sections of their brains because it is at times overwhelming…although this week I have become slightly concerned for their mental well-being and safety.

While HM3 was choking on a nacho, we began a discussion about what items are the most awful to choke on. Ice cubes came up and in a shockingly serious and speedy response HM2 suggested ‘You’d just have to get the kettle’. What and scold your throat too?!

Later on, once HM3 had regained the ability to swallow, we had a conversation about going forward and back in time, in particular if we could live in any era which it would be. HM3 suggested she might like to live in the early 19th Century (which she described ‘you know Pride and Prejudice time’).

HM1 – The only problem with the olden days, HM3, is you get your head chopped off and stuff

HM2 – Only if you are Henry VIII wife

Because apparently despite Henry VIII ruling in 1500’s no one has been beheaded since…..after all beheading is the ‘only’ problem.


Today HM2 entered my bedroom with white stuff flaking off her face (I have learnt not to question such things) she proceeded to explain she had blown out her candle and got wax on her face. I was inclined to turn around and exclaim ‘no shit’ but bit my tongue. In stead merely proposed a few questions

Me – Did you blow it too hard?

[She acts out the incident as if trying to remember]

Me – So you held it really close to your face?

HM2 – Yeah

[I take a moment while she picks the rest of the wax off her face in my mirror]

Me – Are you ok?