Tag Archives: Imagination

Imagination… Is All Fulfilling

26 Apr

The imagination is a gift… most of the time, so powerful you can find yourself in another world of creation, at times unsure which parts are reality. This new world seems so firm, so concrete and so possible. I spend my days drifting and losing myself in these worlds and I adore the freedom it gives me, to entirely have the life I crave.
When reality is at its toughest is when I sit back and open the door in my mind, it is always ajar. I find myself living a life full of such possibilities, where my longings for excitement are fulfilled and not only for the briefest of moments, before they drift away, but for sustained periods of time, where contentment is mine to lose, not taken away. I am the happiest I have been in my life, I truly believe, but there is always something more and there I have it, I have it all.