Tag Archives: Job Hunting

Mice, Cheese and PMA

21 Feb

Conversation with Nutt, discussing the merits of positive thinking, particularly while we are on the hunt for new jobs

Lowry – You need to read the book ‘Who Moved My Cheese

Nutt – What? ‘Whose Shoes Are These?’

Lowry – Oh golly no, W h o  M o v e d  M y  C H E E S E, it’s about mice

Nutt – What?! What is this book?

Lowry – It’s a metaphor…go with it, only takes an hour to read

Nut – Ok I’ll order it

A while later the following text conversation ensues

Nutt – Just to check is it ‘The Mouse That Moved My Cheese’?

Lowry – You are a knob. ‘Who Moved My Cheese’

Nutt – Oh shit, I just ordered a book called ‘Mouse That Moved My Cheese’….oh no wait maybe I brought the right one

Lowry – Are you actually being serious?

Nutt – I think I need a book called ‘How To Get By On a Daily Basis’