Tag Archives: LGBT

Mini Gay Girlfriend

1 Jun

Cave Woman – Hahaha I have a new app for you called ‘mini gay girlfriend’
I’ve called my mini gf Penny


CW – Penny is frigid, I’ve given her loads of hugs and kisses and she still won’t go on a date with me. I have to wait a few hours. It’s a lesbian tamagochi pet, I’ll probably forget to feed her and she’ll die

Me – Maybe you are too keen, you can’t kill Penny off.

****A DAY LATER****

Me – I have myself a ‘mini gay girlfriend’ called Florence. She won’t date me…she thinks I’m rushing things. I though that’s what lesbian where in to

CW – Penny is frigid too, although I do get loads of snogs. Surely i should get a date first

Me – Yeah I reckon so. This is kind of true to life

CW – I’m going to try her now

Me – Tap that. Florence told me to try again in a few hours. She’s trying to play it cool

CW – She’s dating me! Woo!

Me – Congrats. You should probably change your Facebook status

First rant…What are the BBC thinking??

29 Dec

The BBC’s, in their wisdom, decided to interview Stephen Green the right-wing fundamentalist Christian on his opinion of Sir Elton John and David Furnish becoming parents.  This is the same Mr Green who in 2009 supported a proposed death penalty for gay men in Uganda saying: “The contrast between our politicians and those of Uganda could not be more stark. A Parliamentarian in Uganda is trying to protect his nation’s children. The House of Commons of the United Kingdom is trying to corrupt ours. Which country is the more civilised, I wonder, in the eyes of Almighty God?”

Now after taking a deep breath I still find myself burning with rage.  You will of course be shocked to hear that Mr Green did not send his heart-felt best wishes to Elton and David.  I understand that many people will have their differing views on this topic, and I am all for hearing both sides of the debate but really BBC having a hateful, hateful person who has such extreme views to comment on a topic which you KNOW he is going to be extremely negative about and make disgusting comments in relation to is just foolish.

What amuses me about this is how the BBC seem to have forgotten that in 2007 Mr Green attempted to bring a private prosecution against the director general of the BBC for the broadcast of ‘Jerry Springer: The Opera’ saying it was blasphemous.  In 2008 he likened Ian Watkins (H, off of Steps) to mass murder Jeffrey Dahmer!!!  As irritating as the man might be this is extreme in anyones eyes.

He also criticised former Welsh Rugby Captain, Gareth Thomas, for becoming  a patron of the LGBT history month saying: “Gareth Thomas is urging such children to identify themselves as homosexual, and to inhibit their normal development into heterosexuality. That is a wicked thing to do to impressionable young people. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke about millstones being tied around the necks of those who lead children astray.”

I think I must have misinterpreted this support as urging…If Mr Green had any understanding of what it is like to be part of the homosexual world he would appreciate that there is certainly no form of urging, only attempts to support people (whatever age) to deal with something that is happening in their life, something that was never a choice and something that people like him make far more difficult that it should be.

If it is not upsetting enough that people like this exist in the world the BBC have made fools of themselves in asking him to comment on such a topic, and it is no wonder actors such as Richard Chamberlin are advising gay actors to stay in closet.  I was saddened when I saw this headline, and enraged when I saw the BBC’s.

It makes you wonder if anyone would want to bring children into a world like this.  I guess I can except that there will always be people in the world with these extreme views, for whatever reasons, but the BBC thrusting these views into the limelight I can’t understand.  So much more I could say but it feels some what futile so I leave on this note
