Tag Archives: Love

Love Demands Expression

18 Jan

‘Love demands expression.  It will not stay still, stay silent, be modest, be seen and not heard, no.  It will break out in tongues of praise, the high note that smashes the glass and spills the liquid’

Jeanette Winterson


45 Years of Marriage

18 Jan

Dad – I wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to have you standing over my shoulder telling me how much better I could be doing it

Must Be Love

8 Oct

Lowry – Do you think he likes you?

Nut – Well he did ask me out on our lunch break once when we were at school, and he brought me a Curly Wurly because he knew they were my favourite

Lowry – Sorry, he asked you out with a Curly Wurly at school?

Nut – Yes

Lowry – Right, must be love

Lowry – How many years ago was this?

Nut – About 5

Feel For The Boyfriend

5 Jun

HM3 – I get nothing but hassle from my boyfriend in the morning

Me – What do you mean? Does he wake you up or pester you for sex?

HM3 – No *sigh* he’s up wanting to make me breakfast in bed

Me – Get a grip

Kitty – Brothers and Sisters

1 Jun

‘The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There’s too much at stake, and life’s too short for lies.’

Kitty – Brothers and Sister – Channel 4


1 Jun

While sat in the lounge, coughing and spluttering…HM3 glances up at me, looks back down to her work…continue to cough starting the struggle for oxygen, tears rolling down my face…

HM3 lets out a big sigh

‘Are you choking? Do I need to get up?’

The Pull

23 May

‘The pull in my shoulders has become strong, I try to twist away from it, but the more I fight the harder I am pulled back, the resistance too great.  My skin is tight, I can feel it being torn.  I wonder how long it will hold before it surrenders and tears, before the muscles are pulled from the bone, the skin ripped from the muscle exposing me as I really am, over flowing with feeling – no blood will pour from my veins.’

Burning Bright

15 May

You called to me when my heart was dark and made me burn like black fire, light and dark at the same time.  The more time I spend with you the more the light of the flames engulf the dark and I am burning bright.

Homage To My Housemates…

14 Feb

So I walk into the house carrying a heart-shaped balloon, whilst on the phone to 6’4″ and I note HM1 and HM3 sniggering to themselves …

HM3 –  get a knife and burst it

I found this somewhat bitter after the pair of them had spent romantic (or otherwise) weekends with ‘significant others’, and I had offered to cook for us all this evening.  So exclaiming down the phone that I hate my housemates I dumped myself on the sofa next to them and continued my rant about how rubbish they are.  Having put down the phone…

ME – God I need to get some lunch

HM1 – I think you need to go upstairs

[She’s not great at this whole secret keeping melarky…gets too excited]

ME – Oh god is this going to make me feel guilty for saying I hate you

HM1 – Yes

ME – Brilliant

I walk into my room to find a home-made [yes home-made, as in spent time and effort] Valentines card, in which is written some of the cheesiest but really cutest words…so housemates this is my time to say thank you, not only for providing entertainment to me and the masses but for really being a great group of people.

So HM1, 2 and 3 I Love You All…Happy Valentines Day!!!
