Tag Archives: Mop

Mopping, Bleaching, Singing and Jehovah Witness

10 Feb

Another little snipped into the daily running of our household began during a TV viewing session..

HM3 – She’s got really skinny arms

Silence [this women is on the larger side of life]

HM3 – You know, for her body


Whilst sat in the pub having a lovely lunch we found ourselves observing a group of people having some kind of presentation / thank you gift giving session, although we couldn’t work out exactly what they must have done together.  After realising we were all sat watching the same thing (conversation was really flowing)

HM1 – That’s a bit weird

HM3 – They must be Jehovah Witnesses

ME – I’m sorry what?

HM3 – I don’t know


Deciding to scrub our house from top to bottom we asked if HM3 could pick up a mop for us on her way home (as she had broken the last one in her first mopping experience).   On her return, with requested mop, the following conversation ensued

HM2 – So do you think I should take the bowl out the sink and fill the sink with water?

ME – You could just fill the bowl, it might be easier

HM2 – Yeah….but then it will be dirty

ME – Yes but then you can wash it

HM3 – With bleach

HM2 – Right ok…Silence

I look into the kitchen to see HM2 reading the packaging of the mop in the hope of finding some instructions…

ME – Would you like me to google some instructions for you?!?!

Once finishing her mopping duties HM2 enquired where she may find the bleach, being informed by HM3 that it is probably under the sink with the rest of our cleaning products…

HM2 – Yeah i looked there but couldn’t see it..what colour bottle is it in?

ME – The one that says bleach on the side

HM2 – It really doesn’t

HM1 goes to help her find it

HM2 – Oh no wait it say’s it in really big letters

ME – Bet it say’s it in braille too?!

HM2 – huh! it does.


On a somewhat busy day after a night of training I enquire if I should bother going to the gym

HM3 – NO!

HM1 – maybe go later on

HM3- NO!

ME – HM3 if I told you I had an obesity related disease and again asked if i should go to the gym what would you say?

HM3 – No, you are dying anyway you might as well enjoy it.


While getting ready for a night out…

HM1 – Shall I put some funky tunes on for us

ME – Are you going to sing along?

HM1 – Probably

ME – No.