Tag Archives: Poetry

Fantasia – Brenda Lowry

12 Apr

Images revolve around the mind

Never out of place in present day

Word to fit are sometimes hard to find

Thoughts are often difficult to say

Artist chooses colour to express

Strokes on canvas reproduce the feeling from within

To contemplate the power they possess

The poet finds it hard to begin

Not perhaps the very gifted few

Whose words compare with colour when applied

To brilliance where the accolade is due

And outstanding talent really does abide

Blue portrays somewhat somber tone

But not when painted in as sky

Add some slanting rays from sun’s own throne

And birds complete the picture flying by

Trees of varying shades of restful green

Soothing on the mind and on the eye

Tall and dark or small and bright a joy forever seen

Comparing word with colour one can only hope apply

A garden filled with flowers their perfume fills the air

Rose and primrose purple gold and every hue

A well earned rest in striped garden chair

Drinks with ice and lemon gratefully are due

Beauty in beholder’s eye ’tis said

To savour when in words or artists brush

Fantasy of minds will not be dead

Where colour rules and words are bountiful and lush

Brenda Lowry

Homage to Jeanette Winterson

5 Jun

‘How did you do it? Write about me having never met me?  I open the pages of the book and what is written are my desires, my dreams, my fantasies…my imagination’

The Pull

23 May

‘The pull in my shoulders has become strong, I try to twist away from it, but the more I fight the harder I am pulled back, the resistance too great.  My skin is tight, I can feel it being torn.  I wonder how long it will hold before it surrenders and tears, before the muscles are pulled from the bone, the skin ripped from the muscle exposing me as I really am, over flowing with feeling – no blood will pour from my veins.’

Don Draper Meets Frank O’Hara

17 May

Man Men’s  Don Draper recites Frank O’Hara‘s Mayakovsky

‘Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern. The country is grey and brown and white in trees, snows and skies of laughter always diminishing. Less funny, not just darker, not just grey. It may be the coldest day of the year: what does he think of that? I mean, what do I? And if I do, perhaps I am myself again.’

Burning Bright

15 May

You called to me when my heart was dark and made me burn like black fire, light and dark at the same time.  The more time I spend with you the more the light of the flames engulf the dark and I am burning bright.

Force Of The Storm

26 Apr

‘When this feeling comes it comes with such force, and I am thrown like the sea throws the vessels that dare to venture out in a storm, I know the calm will return but it comes with such emptiness’

All You Ever Want To Be

24 Apr

‘She told me she was proud of me and then we made love.  What was it about her that filled me with such longing?  I would be lying if I said I’d ever had a real grip on my life but that was how I had learnt to live and I was coping.  She gave me hope and belief – the kind of things I was living without, and showed me I could be .. well what ever I wanted.’