Tag Archives: Stereotypes


23 Jan

Hubbie – She walks like a lesbian…but isn’t one apparently

The Terrifying Brains of my Team Mates

17 Aug

Junior – I know twins who were born identical but are non-identical now

*We all look at her to ensure she is being serious…she is*

Lowry – I don’t think you do


I return to my room while away with my team to find my roomie and a number of others sat looking at my laptop

Albino – We tried to guess your password, but it wasn’t any of the obvious things

Lowry – Let me guess did you try ‘lesbian’

Albino – Yup

Lowry – ‘homosexual’

Albino – Yup

Lowry –  ‘ilovestraightgirls’

Albino – Oh we didn’t think of that one…is that it?

Lowry – NO!

Albino – We did try ‘scissoring’ but is wasn’t that either

Lowry – This is truly shocking

Visiting the Palace

11 Aug

While staying with Albino at her Palace

Albino – All I can hear is my own voice….I know that’s not a bad thing.


Lowry – Is this Free Willy?  Are we really going to watch this?

Albino – Yep

Lowry – Really?!

Albino – Is it because you’re a lesbian?

Who’s Who with HM2

13 May

Me – Which one is she again?

HM2 – The Christians in sport one

Me – Yes but what does she look like?

HM2 – Um

Me – Dark Hair

HM2 – Yeah

Me – Little

HM2 – Yeah

Me – Doesn’t look like a Christian?

HM2 – Well she doesn’t hang a cross around her neck all the time

Me – Yeah I know who you mean